Books by SCW Staff

The writing of SCW staff has been featured in:
Podcasts, Videos, & Book Series
Learn Psychotherapy Podcast
Hosted by Sentio’s Ben Fineman, this podcast series guides you through Deliberate Practice skill-building exercises to enhance your clinical skills and help you provide helpful, supportive services to your clients.
Practice Time YouTube Series
This series of YouTube videos guides viewers through sample Deliberate Practice exercises from the major models of psychotherapy.
The Essentials of Deliberate Practice
The Essentials of Deliberate Practice is a new series of clinical training books published by the American Psychological Association (APA) Press and co-edited by members of the SCC leadership team.
Expanded Writing Catalogue
Books and Edited Volumes
Harris, J., Jin, J., Hoffman, S., Phan, S., Prout, T. A., Rousmaniere, T., & Vaz, A. (in press). Deliberate Practice in Multicultural Therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Terjesen, M. D., Doyle, K. A., Digiuseppe, R. A., Vaz, A., & Rousmaniere, T. (2023). Deliberate Practice in Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Boritz, T., McMain, S., Vaz, A., & Rousmaniere, T. (2023). Deliberate Practice in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Farrell, J., Behary, W., Vaz, A., & Rousmaniere, T. (2023). Deliberate Practice in Schema Therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Bate, J., Prout, T., Vaz, A., & Rousmaniere, T.G. (2022). Deliberate Practice in Child and Adolescent Therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Manuel, J., Ernst, D., Vaz, A., & Rousmaniere, T.G. (2022). Deliberate Practice in Motivational Interviewing. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Seedall, R., Miller, D., Blow, A., Vaz, A., & Rousmaniere, T.G. (2022). Deliberate Practice in Systemic Family Therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. Rousmaniere, T.G. & Vaz, A. (Eds.) The Essentials of Deliberate Practice. A series of deliberate practice clinical training books. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Goldman, R.N., Vaz, A., & Rousmaniere, T.G. (2021). Deliberate Practice in Emotion-Focused Therapy. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Vaz, A. & Rousmaniere, T.G. (2021). Reaching for Expertise: A Primer on Deliberate Practice for Psychotherapists. Deliberate Practice Institute.
Rousmaniere, T.G. (2018). Mastering the Inner Skills of Psychotherapy: A Deliberate Practice Handbook. Seattle, WA: Gold Lantern Press.
Rousmaniere, T.G., Goodyear, R., Miller, S.D., & Wampold, B.E. (2017). The Cycle of Excellence: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Supervision and Training. London: Wiley Publishers. Note: The Cycle of Excellence was recipient of the 2018 “Outstanding Publication” award from the Society of Counseling Psychology’s Section on Supervision and Training
Rousmaniere, T.G. (2016). Deliberate Practice for Psychotherapists: A Guide to Improving Clinical Effectiveness. New York, NY: Routledge Press (Taylor & Francis).
Rousmaniere, T.G. & Renfo-Michele, E. (2015). Using Technology for Clinical Supervision: A Practical Handbook. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association Press.
Peer-Review Articles
Santos, J. M., Barata, M., Rathenau, S., Amaro, I., Vaz, A., Sousa, D., Severino, M., & Teixeira, M. (2022). Development and validation of the facilitative interpersonal skills scale for clients. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1– 12.
Afonseca, M., Sousa, D., Vaz, A., Santos, J. M., & Batista, A. (2022). Psychotherapist’s persuasiveness in anxiety: Scale development and relation to the working alliance. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. Advance online publication.
Ecker, B., & Vaz, A. (2022). Memory Reconsolidation and the Crisis of Mechanism in Psychotherapy. New Ideas in Psychology, 66.
Rathenau, S., Sousa, D., Vaz, A., & Geller, S. (2022). The effect of attitudes toward online therapy and the difficulties perceived in online therapeutic presence. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 32(1), 19–33.
Vaz, A., & Sousa, D. (2021). Persuasiveness: An underappreciated characteristic of effective therapists. Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice. Advance online publication.
Tseng, C., PettyJohn, M. E., Huerta, P., Miller, D. L., Agundez, J. C., Fang, M., & Wittenborn, A. K. (2021). Representation of diverse populations in couple and family therapy intervention studies: A systematic review of race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, age, and income in the United States from 2014 to 2019. Family Process, 60(2), 424-440.
Holtrop, K., Miller, D. L., Durtschi, J. A., & Forgatch, M. S. (2020). Development and evaluation of a component level implementation fidelity rating system for the GenerationPMTO intervention. Prevention science, 1-11.
Lappan, S., Carolan, M., Parra-Cardona, J. R., & Weatherspoon, L. (2020). Promoting healthy eating and regular physical activity in low-income families through family-centered programs: Implications for practice. Journal of Primary Prevention, 41, 503-528. doi:10.1007/s10935-020-00612-1
Lappan, S., Parra-Cardona, J. R., Carolan, M., & Weatherspoon, L. (2019). Risk and protective factors associated with childhood obesity in a sample of low-income, single, female, parent/guardian households: Implications for family therapists. Family Process. doi: 10.1111/famp.12440
Whipple, J., Swift, J., Rousmaniere, T., Pederson, T. & Worthen, V. (2019). Supervisor Variance in Psychotherapy Outcome in Routine Practice: A Replication. SAGE: Open.
Frederickson, J., DenDooven, B., Abbass, A., Solbakken, O. A., Rousmaniere, T. (2019). Pilot study: An inpatient drug rehabilitation program based on intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy. Journal of Addictive Diseases. doi: 10.1080/10550887.2019.1658513
Hill, C. E., Kivlighan, D. M. III, Rousmaniere,T. Kivlighan D. M. Jr., Gerstenblith, J., & Hillman, J. (2019). Deliberate practice for the skill of immediacy: a multiple case study of doctoral student therapists and clients. Psychotherapy
Rousmaniere, T.G., Wright, C.V., Boswell, J., Constantino, M.J., Castonguay, L., McLeod, J., Pedulla, D., & Nordal, K. (2019). Keeping psychologists in the driver’s seat: Four perspectives on quality improvement and clinical data registries. Psychotherapy.
Goodyear, R. & Rousmaniere, T.G. (2018), Computer and internet-based technologies for psychotherapy, supervision, and supervision-of-supervision. Journal of Clinical Psychology/In Session.
Rousmaniere, T.G. (2018). Structured Interview on Research. The Integrative Therapist, 4(1), 18-19.
Lappan, S., Thorne, C. B., Long, D., Hendricks, P. S. (2018). Longitudinal and reciprocal relationships between psychological well-being and smoking. Nicotine and Tobacco Research,
Lappan, S., Shamoon, Z., & Blow, A. (2017). The importance of adoption of formal client feedback in therapy: A narrative review. Journal of Family Therapy, 39. doi: 10.1111/1467-6427.12183
Blow, A. J., Bowles, R. P., Farero, A., Subramaniam, S., Lappan, S., Nichols, E., Gorman, L., Kees, M., & Guty, D. (2017). Couples coping through deployment: Findings from a sample of National Guard Families. Journal of Clinical Psychology, doi: 10.1002/jclp.22487
Shamoon, Z., Lappan, S., & Blow, A. (2017). Managing anxiety: A therapist common factor. Contemporary Family Therapy, 39, 43-53. doi: 10.1007/s10591-016-9399-1
Rousmaniere, T.G. & Wolpert, M. (2017). Talking failure in therapy and beyond. The Psychologist (British Psychological Society), published online April 26, 2017 at
Rast, K., Herman, J., Rousmaniere, T.G., Whipple, J. & Swift, J.K. (2017). Perceived impact on client outcomes: The perspectives of practicing supervisors and supervisees. Sage Online.
Tompkins, K. A., Swift, J. K., Rousmaniere, T. G., & Whipple, J. L. (2017). The relationship between clients’ depression etiological beliefs and psychotherapy orientation preferences, expectations, and credibility beliefs. Psychotherapy, 54(2), 201-206.
Goldberg, S., Babins-Wagner, R., Rousmaniere, T. G., Miller, S.D., Nielsen, Whipple, J., S. L., Hoyt, B., & Wampold, B.E. (2016). Creating a climate for psychotherapist improvement: A case study of an agency focused on outcomes and deliberate practice. Psychotherapy, 53, 367-375.
Goldberg, S., Rousmaniere, T.G., Miller, S.D., Nielsen, S.L., Whipple, J., Hoyt, B., & Wampold, B.E. (2016). Do psychotherapists improve with time and experience? A longitudinal analysis of real world outcome data. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63, 1-11.
Owen, J., Wampold, B.E., Rousmaniere, T.G., Kopta, M., & Miller., S. (2016) As good as it gets? Therapy outcomes of trainees overtime. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 63, 12-19.
Hendricks, P., Hall, S., Tyus, L., Thorne, C., Lappan, S., McMurray, M., Bailey, W., Cropsey, K., & Baker, T. (2016). Withdrawal exposure with withdrawal regulation training for smoking cessation: A randomized controlled pilot trial. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 164, 28-37.
Rousmaniere, T.G. (2016). Technology for evidence-based cognitive behavioral supervision: new applications and research to improve organizational support. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapist.
Rousmaniere, T. G. (2016). Deliberate practice for early career psychotherapists. Psychotherapy Bulletin.
Swift, J.K., Callahan, J.L., Rousmaniere, T.G., Whipple, J. L., Dexter, K., & Wrape, E. R. (2015). Using client outcome monitoring as a tool for supervision. Psychotherapy, 52, 180-184.
Miller, S.D. & Rousmaniere, T.G. (2014). Why most therapists are just average (and how we can improve): Scott Miller in an interview with Tony Rousmaniere. International Journal of Psychotherapy, 18, 39-49.
Rousmaniere, T.G., Abbass, A., Frederickson, J. (2014). New developments in technology-assisted supervision and training: A practical guide. Journal of Clinical Psychology: In Session, 70, 1082–1093.
Rousmaniere, T.G., Abbass, A., & Frederickson, J., Inning, I., & Taubner, S. (2014). Videoconference for psychotherapy training and supervision: Two case examples. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 68, 231-250.
Rousmaniere, T. G., Swift, J. K., Babins-Wagner, R., Whipple, J. L., & Berzins, S. (2014). Supervisor variance in psychotherapy outcome in routine practice. Psychotherapy Research, 1–10.
Rousmaniere, T.G. & Ellis, M.V. (2013). Developing the construct and measure of collaborative clinical supervision: The supervisee's perspective. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 7, 300-308. doi: 10.1037/a0033796
Rousmaniere, T.G. & Frederickson, J. (2013). Internet-based one-way-mirror supervision for advanced psychotherapy training. The Clinical Supervisor, 32, 40–55. doi:10.1080/07325223.2013.778683
Book Chapters
Hill, C. E., Kivlighan, D. M. III, Rousmaniere, T. Kivlighan D. M. Jr., Gerstenblith, J., & Hillman, J. (in preparation). Deliberate practice: Effects on doctoral student therapists and clients. In L. G. Castonguay & C. E. Hill (Eds.), Being and becoming a psychotherapist: Training and supervision. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Lappan, S. N., & Hendricks, P. S. (in press). The Promise of Classic Psychedelic-assisted Treatment for Criminal Recidivism: A Call to Action. In O. Malandra (Ed.), Infinite Perception: The Power of Psychedelics for Global Transformation.
Holtrop, K., Krauthamer Ewing, E.S., Topham, G.L., & Miller, D.L. (2020). Prevention of Parent-Child Relational Problems: The Role of Parenting Interventions. In L.M. McWey, K.S. Wampler, (Editor in Chief), The Handbook of Systemic Family Therapy: Systemic Family Therapy with Children and Adolescents. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Rousmaniere, T. (2019). Deliberate Practice for Supervision of Psychiatry. In DeGolia, S. & Corcoran, K. (Eds.). Supervision in Psychiatry Across Venues. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association.
Elliot, J., Abbass, A., & Rousmaniere, T. (2018). Technology and deliberate practice methods for improving psychotherapy performance. In Magnavita, J. (Ed.). Incorporating Technology in Mental Health Practice. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Frederickson, J. & Rousmaniere, T. (2018). Using technology for therapist self-development. In Magnavita, J. (Ed.). Incorporating Technology in Mental Health Practice. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Goodyear, R. K.., Bernard, J. M., & Rousmaniere, T. (2018). Relationship factors. In Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (Eds.). Fundamentals of clinical supervision. (6th edition). Boston: Merrill.
Bernard, J. M., Goodyear, R. K., & Rousmaniere, T. (2018). Multicultural supervision. In Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (Eds.). Fundamentals of clinical supervision. (6th edition). Boston: Merrill.
Goodyear, R. K.., Bernard, J. M., & Rousmaniere, T. (2018). Individual and triadic supervision. In Bernard, J. M., & Goodyear, R. K. (Eds.). Fundamentals of clinical supervision. (6th edition). Boston: Merrill.
Goodyear, R. K., Falender, C., & Rousmaniere, T. (2017). Ethics of supervision and consultation in private practice. In S. Walfish, J. Barnett & J. Zimmerman (Eds.). The Handbook of Private Practice. New York: Oxford University Press.
Goodyear, R. K. & Rousmaniere, T. (2017). Helping therapists to each day become a little better than they were the day before: The Expertise-Development Model of supervision and consultation. In T. G. Rousmaniere, R. K. Goodyear, S. D. Miller and B.E.Wampold. The Cycle of Excellence: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Supervision and Training. London: Wiley Publishers.
Goodyear, R. K., Zimmerman, J., & Rousmaniere, T. G. (2017). Supervision of Mentoring. In Clutterbuck, D. A., Kochan, F. K., Lunsford, L. G., Dominguez, N., & Haddock-Millar, J. (Eds.).The SAGE Handbook of Mentoring. New York: Sage.
Rousmaniere, T.G., Goodyear, R., Miller, S.D., & Wampold, B.E. (2017). The cycle of excellence. In T. G. Rousmaniere, R. K. Goodyear, S. D. Miller and B.E.Wampold. The Cycle of Excellence: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Supervision and Training. London: Wiley Publishers.
Rousmaniere, T.G., Goodyear, R., Miller, S.D., & Wampold, B.E. (2017). Improving psychotherapy outcomes. In T. G. Rousmaniere, R. K. Goodyear, S. D. Miller and B.E.Wampold. The Cycle of Excellence: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Supervision and Training. London: Wiley Publishers.
Renfro-Michel, E., Rousmaniere, T. G., & Spinella, L. (2015). Technological innovations in counselor supervision: promises and challenges. In: Rousmaniere, T. G. & Renfro-Michele, E. (Eds.), Using Technology for Clinical Supervision: A Practical Handbook. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association Press.
Rousmaniere, T. G. & Frederickson, J. (2015). Remote live supervision: videoconference for one-way-mirror supervision. In: Rousmaniere, T. G. & Renfro-Michele, E. (Eds.), Using Technology for Clinical Supervision: A Practical Handbook. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association Press.
Rousmaniere, T. G., Renfro-Michel, E., & Higgins R. (2015). Regulatory and legal issues related to the use of technology in counselor supervision. In: Rousmaniere, T. G. & Renfro-Michele, E. (Eds.), Using Technology for Clinical Supervision: A Practical Handbook. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association Press.
Rousmaniere, T. G. & Kuhn, N. (2015). Internet security for counselor supervisors. In: Rousmaniere, T. G. & Renfro-Michele, E. (Eds.), Using Technology for Clinical Supervision: A Practical Handbook. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association Press.
Rousmaniere, T.G. (2014). Using technology to enhance clinical supervision and training. In: Watkins, C.E. & Milne, D. (Eds.), International Handbook of Clinical Supervision (pp. 204-237). New York: Wiley Publishers.
Parra-Cardona, J. R., Lappan, S., Escobar-Chew, A. R., & Whitehead, M. (2014). Risk and resilience among Latino immigrant families. In J. A. Arditti (Ed.), Family Problems: Stress, Risk, and Resilience (pp. 320-336). Wiley Blackwell: UK.
Parra-Cardona, J. R., Whitehead, M., Escobar-Chew, A. R., Holtrop, K., Lappan, S., Horsford, S., Domenech-Rodriguez, M., & Bernal, G. (2014). Cultural adaptation research: A critical opportunity for addressing mental health disparities in the CFT field. In R.B. Miller & L.N. Johnson (Eds.), Advanced methods in family therapy research: A focus on validity and change (pp. 161-177). Routledge: New York.
Book Series
Rousmaniere, T.G. & Vaz, A. (Eds.) The Essentials of Deliberate Practice. A series of deliberate practice training books for mental health professionals. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Rousmaniere, T.G. & Vaz, A. (Eds.) Advanced Therapeutics, Clinical and Interpersonal Skills. A series of deliberate practice clinical training books for medical professionals. Cambridge, MA: Elsevier.
Writing for the Public
Rousmaniere, T.G. (2017). What your therapist doesn’t know. The Atlantic Monthly.